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Showing posts with the label Jammu & Kashmir


                            Jammu Jammu is Kashmir's second-biggest city, and is likewise its winter capital. For most explorers it is only a travel point on the excursion north into the state. On the off chance that you have time there are a few fascinating attractions with regards to the town. Jammu is still on the plans, so in summer it is a sweltering, awkward differentiation to the cool statures of Kashmir. From October onwards it turns out to be considerably more lovely. In mid-1992 there were various showdowns between Kashmiri activists and in mid 1995 a progression of bomb impacts. You should check the present circumstance before coming here or proceeding to Kashmir.                                      Information        The J&K vacationer office is at the Traveler Gathering...


                                Ladakh              'Little Tibet', 'the moonland' and 'the last Shangri-la' are names that have been applied  to Ladakh, all with a bit of truth. Ladakh is a high-altitude plateau north of the Himalaya situated geographically in Tibet. It's a miniature version of Tibet, the people are Tibetan in their culture and religion, and there are many Tibetan refugees.    The Himalaya is a very effective barrier to rain-few clouds creep across their awesome height and as a result Ladakh is barren beyond belief. Only where rivers, running from faraway glaciers or melting snow, carry water to habitation do you find plant life-hence the mainland label, since Ladakh is as dry as the Sahara.      Finally, Ladakh could well be a last Shangri-la, although since the troubles in the Kashmir Valley began there has been qui...